GROUP EXHIBITION - 2018yarn View fullsize Y(e)arn I, 2018Mild steel, cast iron wheel, Beech wood, nails, Wing Nut and Bolt and Copper wire146 x 50 cm Y(e)arn I, 2018 (Detail)Mild steel, cast iron wheel, Beech wood, nails, Wing Nut and Bolt and Copper wire146 x 50 cm Y(e)arn I, 2018 (Detail)Mild steel, cast iron wheel, Beech wood, nails, Wing Nut and Bolt and Copper wire146 x 50 cm Y(e)arn I, 2018 (Detail)Mild steel, cast iron wheel, Beech wood, nails, Wing Nut and Bolt and Copper wire146 x 50 cm Y(e)arn I, 2018 (Detail)Mild steel, cast iron wheel, Beech wood, nails, Wing Nut and Bolt and Copper wire146 x 50 cm